Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

Letter Of Congratulations

Nama : Deris Kharisma

Kelas : 4EA03

NPM : 10207278

Matkul: Bahasa Inggris 2

This is a Letter of Congratulation on a Promotion.

15th February 2011.

Mr. Deris Kharisma,
Managing Director,

PT. Berkah Ummat,
123/ABC, Laladon Street,

16610 Ciomas,


Mr. Bruce Lee,
Managing Director,
PT. Sejuta Ummat,
456, Jl. Gatot Kaca,
15510 Kemayoran,

Dear Mr. Lee,

I would like to congratulate you on your recent promotion to managing director. This is indeed a coveted position and I'm sure you'll do a good job

During the last five years when you held the position of production manager, your company growing rapidly. Your company enjoyed a good turnover of business because of your innovative methods of increasing sales. We believe you can be even more effective in your new position. We look forward to even better years.

Once again, congratulation and best wishes from all of us here.

With love.

Yours Sincerely,

(Signature of Deris)


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