Senin, 11 April 2011

Memo and Note Taking

Nama : Deris Kharisma

Kelas : 4EA03

NPM : 10207278

Matkul: Bahasa Inggris 2



Jl. Raya Pagelaran No. 11 Ciomas, Bogor

To : Ahmad Fauzi.

We invite you to attend your meeting.

It will be held :

· On Sunday, April 10, 2011

· At 10.00 am

· At the district office Ciomas

Agenda: Preparation for the day net Ciomas 2011

Please come on time.

See you there !

Deris Kharisma


February 15th - 3 pm

On the afternoon train was very full. Many passengers encourage one another to get a seat. Let alone to sit, breathing very difficult. When I saw a young boy continued to see a woman with a gold necklace around her neck. When I do not really care, because maybe the young man her husband. But his eyes continued to lead the women who wear gold necklaces. After a while hearing screams. Thief !! My necklace was stolen, the woman screamed. Turns out the young man is a thief. He had observed a necklace since I boarded the train at the time. Immediately a young man jumped from the train. Indeed the young man's reckless actions. When the train is in running condition. We go as a passenger can not do anything. The woman was very shocked about the incident that happened that day. Really fast...

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